Online tax payment system for cross-border e-commerce imported retail products launched

Source: | 2023-09-12 17:58

"It takes only 30 seconds to pay the import duty, which used to take 3 days. It's so convenient." According to Zhi Yanhui, head of Zhengzhou Zimaoda Supply Chain Management Co.,Ltd., an import tax has been paid for a batch of cross-border e-commerce retail products through the China (Henan) international trade "single window" platform. Thanks to the online import tax payment system recently launched by Zhengzhou Customs, enterprises no longer need to run errands, and the efficiency of handling business is greatly improved.

In recent years, Henan's cross-border e-commerce has been experiencing rapid growth. In the first half of 2023, its import and output value of cross-border e-commerce reached 122.47 billion yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 10.1 percent, according to the local authority. Foreign trade enterprises have shown higher demand for optimization import duty payment process as their business expands. In June, to create a market-oriented, law-based and first-class international business environment, the General Administration of Customs of China launched 16 measures, including the development of an online import tax payment system for cross-border e-commerce retail products. Zhengzhou Customs has been working actively to ensure that these measures are implemented.

"The online import tax system was officially put into use on September 4, realizing data sharing among cross border e-commerce enterprises, customs, national treasury and commercial banks. The whole process takes no more than 1 minute through the 'single window' platform." According to Zhengzhou Customs, the entire process can be handled online and those who want to pay import duty do not need to submit paper materials personally. (Chinese source: Henan Daily Reporter: Sun Jing Translator: Zhou Jinmiao and Yang Jiaxin Proofreader: Zhang Junping)