Towards Civilization②|Yangshao village, birthplace of modern Chinese archaeology

Source: | 2022-11-11 18:50

"We should attach more importance to and put more efforts on archaeological research to carry forward the project of tracing the origins of Chinese civilization," stressed Chinese President Xi Jinping during his recent inspection tour to Anyang city, Henan province. Henan, cradle of the Chinese nation and civilization, is not only the birthplace of modern Chinese archaeology, but also the core area for tracing the origins of Chinese civilization. Together with the Development and Reform Commission of Henan Province and the Administration of Cultural Heritage of Henan Province, we are launching the "Towards Civilization" bilingual series featuring 13 key archaeological sites in Henan to help you catch a glimpse of wonderful Henan and brilliant Chinese civilization. Here is the 2nd episode of the series: Yangshao village, birthplace of modern Chinese archaeology.


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In 1921, a large number of cultural relics including pottery wares and stone tools were unearthed at the Yangshao site in Yangshao village of Sanmenxia city, Central China's Henan province, which confirmed for the first time that there was a highly-developed Neolithic culture in Chinese history. Since then, the Yangshao Culture represented by the Yangshao site has become a "holy land" in the archaeological circle.


Yangshao Culture Museum. [Photo provided to]

The Yangshao Culture is the longest-lasting and most widely influential type of prehistoric culture in China. Related heritage sites have been found in 10 provincial-level administrative regions, especially in Henan, Shaanxi and Shanxi. Dating back 4,700 to 7,000 years, the Yangshao Culture period played a substantial role in the development of Chinese Neolithic culture, thus known as the Yangshao Age. Today, it has become a benchmark for archaeologists to date other prehistoric cultures because of its influence.


Some pottery wares unearthed at the Yangshao site. [Photo provided to]

The discovery of the Yangshao Culture at the site in 1921 marks the birth of modern archaeology in China. With generations of efforts, the system of Chinese archaeology has been established, the chronology of Chinese prehistory has been made clear and the reliable evidence to China's million-year human history, 10,000-year cultural inheritance and over 5,000-year-old civilization has been found. Accordingly, the origin and development of Chinese civilization have been confirmed.


Yangshao Village National Archaeological Park. [Photo provided to]

For China's century-old modern archaeology, Yangshao village is not only a birthplace, but also a "holy land".

漫漫百年中国现代考古路,仰韶村遗址是起点,也是圣地。(编译/赵汉青 播音/杨佳欣 视频/何蒙贺 审校/陈行洁)